

酒泉北滨河路商业步行街提升设计-Improvement Design of Jiuquan North Binhe Road Commercial Pedestrian Street







The Beidahe Commercial Pedestrian Street is located on the north bank of the Jiuquan City section of the Beidahe River. It is a commercial pedestrian street planned and constructed on the riverside based on the overall plan for ecological comprehensive management of the Beidahe River in Jiuquan, with the new 312 National Highway Bridge as the center. Construction began in 2014, with a total construction area of 100000 square meters. The entire building complex consists of one to three floors and consists of 23 unit buildings, divided into two sections: east and west, with a total length of about 2Km and a width of 56m from north to south.

The Beidahe Commercial Pedestrian Street is currently the longest ancient architectural complex built in cities in the northwest region. The construction was jointly funded by dozens of local entrepreneurs and homeowners. The property rights relationship is complex, and each company operates separately to attract investment. After about 10 years, there are still some unfinished projects, and investment is limited, which has not formed an effective commercial atmosphere.

The municipal government plans to comprehensively upgrade and transform it into a new hot spot in local life and a cultural and tourism commercial center in Jiuquan.

▼项目概览,Overview of project

01 基础分析







02 策划定位









03 提升设计






04 单元样板











埃及的庙宇和帕提农神庙对我触动很大,我没想到建筑会有那么激动人心的力量,它比音乐更动人。——菲利普.约翰逊 Philip Johnson

其实我从未改变,因为我只相信变化。——菲利普.约翰逊 Philip Johnson

Architects don't invent anything, they just transform reality.——阿尔瓦罗.西扎 Álvaro Siza

好建筑是可持续的。它被建造出来就是为了长久使用,并且如果它是座好建筑,子孙后代们也会尽其所能来维护它。建筑的功能也许会变化,但建筑本身却会长存。——大卫.奇普菲尔德 David Chipperfield

建筑是无缝衔接的生活。——马岩松 Ma Yansong