

浙江中医药大学富春校区-Fuchun Campus of Zhejiang Chinese Medical University






The construction scale of the Fuchun Campus project of Zhejiang University of Traditional Chinese Medicine is 680 acres of newly added land, located in the Fuyang Higher Education Park, Sanlian Village, Fuchun Street, Fuyang District, Hangzhou City. It is divided into two blocks, north and south, and is planned to be completed by 2025.

The total construction area of the project is 325000 square meters (including 296000 square meters above ground and 29000 square meters underground). The main construction includes teaching and research administrative buildings such as classrooms, experimental and internship rooms, indoor sports rooms, living supporting service rooms such as dormitories, canteens, logistics and ancillary buildings, underground parking lots, and outdoor engineering.

▼项目立面概览,Overview of project facade

01 思考与策略,Thinkings & Strategies

▼问题一 如何融合高教园区自然山水环境,Question 1: How to integrate the natural landscape environment of higher education parks

▼问题二 如何做好与建成区的衔接,Question 2: How to effectively connect with the built-up area

▼问题三 如何体现中医药传统文化元素,Question three: How to reflect the traditional cultural elements of traditional Chinese medicine

▼问题四 如何反映富阳地域建筑特点,Question 4: How to reflect the architectural characteristics of the Fuyang region

▼问题五 如何利用和处理地形高差,Question 5: How to utilize and handle terrain elevation differences

▼问题六 如何打造适应时代的高校园区,Question 6: How to build a university park that adapts to the times

▼设计策略总结,Summary of design strategies

▼设计策略之——富阳地域建筑风格特点,Design Strategy - Architectural Style Characteristics of Fuyang Region

▼设计策略之——地域建筑特点的反馈,青山,绿水,灰白楼,Design Strategy - Feedback on Regional Architectural Characteristics, Green Mountains, Green Water, and Gray White Buildings

▼设计策略之——地域建筑特点的设计反馈,Design Strategy - Design Feedback on Regional Architectural Characteristics

▼设计策略之——中医药文化元素的体现,Design Strategy - Reflection of Traditional Chinese Medicine Cultural Elements

▼设计策略之——中国传统文化的体现,Design Strategy - Embodiment of Traditional Chinese Culture

▼设计策略之——地形高差的解决方案,Design Strategy - Solution to Terrain Height Difference

▼设计策略之——校园景观的因势利导,Design Strategy - Adapting Campus Landscape to the Situation

▼设计策略之——现代高校园区的打造一,Design Strategy - Building Modern University Parks,1

▼设计策略之——现代高校园区的打造二,Design Strategy - Building Modern University Parks,2

▼设计策略之——现代高校园区的打造三,Design Strategy - Building Modern University Parks,3

02 概念和亮点 Concept & Highlights

▼“方圆融山水,如意连天地”的总体校园格局,The overall campus layout of "integrating mountains and rivers in a square and circle, and connecting heaven and earth in a pleasant way"

▼“青山,绿水,灰白楼”的现代地域文化建筑画卷,The modern regional cultural architecture painting of "green mountains, green water, and gray white buildings"

▼“新、医、雅、趣,礼、学、动、憩”传统礼序与活力现代的复合校园,A composite campus of traditional etiquette and modern vitality, characterized by novelty, medicine, elegance, fun, etiquette, learning, movement, and relaxation

▼“富春韵,园林景,医者心,山水意”中医药文化浓郁的中式园林二十四景,The 24 Chinese style gardens with rich traditional Chinese medicine culture, featuring rich spring charm, garden scenery, a doctor's heart, and the meaning of mountains and rivers

▼“主支结合、适度分离,低空立体、安全高效”的校园便捷交通网络,A convenient campus transportation network with a combination of main and branch, moderate separation, low altitude three-dimensional, safe and efficient

▼“科技绿色,拥抱未来”立足传统,适应现代,走向未来的大学校园,"Green technology, embracing the future" is based on tradition, adapting to modernity, and moving towards the future of university campuses

03 效果与表现 Effect & Display

▼总体鸟瞰图,Overall bird's-eye view


▼南侧主入口透视效果图,Perspective rendering of the main entrance on the south side

▼基础医学楼局部鸟瞰图,Partial bird's-eye view of the Basic Medical Building

▼体育馆主入口透视效果图,Perspective rendering of the main entrance of the gymnasium

▼科技大楼透视效果图,Perspective rendering of the technology building

▼国教综合楼透视效果图,Perspective rendering of the National Education Comprehensive Building

▼教学楼北侧透视效果图,Perspective rendering of the north side of the teaching building

▼如意湖西侧景观透视图,Perspective view of the landscape on the west side of Ruyi Lake







对我来说,建筑物可以拥有一种美丽的宁静,我将其与沉着、不言而喻、持久性、存在感和完整性以及温暖和感性等属性联系起来;建筑本身就是一座建筑,不代表任何东西,只是存在。——彼得.卒姆托. Peter Zumthor

建筑,可以收藏时间,也可以凝结时间。——王澍 Wang Shu

我必须持续不断地专注于建筑。生活对于每个人都不尽相同。对许多人来说,组建一个家庭就是生活;但对于另一些人来说,自由地活着,或是事业,才是他的生活。——扎哈.哈迪德 Zaha Hadid

真正的建筑质疑其领域,精于冒险、事无巨细、抗衡传统、打破制度,创造一种触及心灵、颠覆思想、令人印象深刻的建筑。——菲利普.约翰逊 Philip Johnson