

酒泉市肃州区清水河湿地景区概念规划-Conceptual planning of Qingshui River Wetland Scenic Spot in Suzhou,Jiuquan






This project is located on the land along the banks of Guoyuan Town, Yinda Town, Qingshui River, Weijiawan Reservoir, and Huayuan Reservoir in the northern part of the main urban area of Suzhou District, Jiuquan City, Gansu Province. Gansu is located in the northwest inland region, with scarce precipitation and high evaporation, resulting in scarce water resources. The Qingshui River Wetland in this project is an underground river oasis formed by the melting of glaciers in the Qilian Mountains. The wetland landscape in this area is also a scarce natural resource in the local area.

The government of Suzhou District plans to promote the construction of key cultural and tourism projects, striving to transform the advantages of cultural and tourism resources into economic and industrial advantages, and create an upgraded version of the urban economy led by tourism development and construction. The project is planned to be located in Guoyuan Town, adjacent to Yinda Town to the northeast, Jiayuguan to the west, and Tuolai River to the south. It faces Xifeng and Quanhu, and is 3 kilometers away from the urban area of Jiuquan. With mature transportation conditions and a dense population of residents and tourists, it is an ideal place for constructing wetland tourism projects.

01 基础分析,Base analysis

▼宏观区位,Macro location


The project planning area is located along the banks of Guoyuan Town, Yinda Town, Qingshui River, Weijiawan Reservoir, and Huayuan Reservoir in the northern part of the main urban area of Suzhou District. It is a strip wetland corridor with a length of about 7.1km from east to west and a width of about 1km from north to south. The core area covers an area of approximately 288 hectares (4320 acres), and the planned area covers an area of approximately 426 hectares (6390 acres).

▼规划范围,Planning scope


The project planning area is only 3km away from the city center of Jiuquan in a straight line, and 7km away from the city center, with a 20 minute drive; The straight-line distance from the urban area of Jiayuguan, Jiayuguan Airport, Jiuquan Station, and Jiuquan South Station is within 20Km, with a drive of about 40 minutes.

▼区域交通分析,Regional traffic analysis


The east side of the project is adjacent to S64 Suhang first-class highway, but the expressway has no access nearby; The central G213 liquor route runs north-south through the project site and is connected to the access roads on both sides of the river within the project; The Suzhou Wetland Landscape Avenue, which leads from the urban area to the Huacheng Lake and Liufen Wetland Scenic Area in the central and western regions, passes through the Qingshui River Wetland Area of this project through a bridge. The two sides of the project are under the river access roads and are not connected to it; To the west is a rural road, and to the south is Jiuyin Road leading to the city center.

▼局部交通分析,Local traffic analysis

▼上位规划解读,Interpretation of upper level planning

02 资源梳理 Resource combing

▼地形地貌,Topography and landforms

▼地理分析,Geographic analysis

▼资源禀赋——魏家湾水库,Resource endowment - Weijiawan Reservoir

▼资源禀赋——清水河,Resource endowment - Qingshui River

▼资源禀赋——花园水库,Resource endowment - Huayuan Reservoir

▼资源禀赋——湿地密林,Resource endowment - wetland dense forests

▼资源禀赋——湿地多样性景观,Resource endowment - wetland diversity landscape

▼现状问题,Current situation issues

▼解决策略一,Solution strategy 1

▼解决策略二,Solution strategy 2

▼解决策略三,Solution strategy 3

▼解决策略四,Solution strategy 4

03 发展策略 Development strategy

▼发展思路,Development ideas

▼主题定位,Theme positioning

▼主题内容,Theme content

▼业态定位,Business format positioning

▼功能定位, Functional positioning

▼景区特色, Scenic Area Features

▼景区特色——新热点1,Scenic Area Features - New Hotspot 1

▼景区特色——新热点2,Scenic Area Features - New Hotspot 2

▼景区特色——新热点3,Scenic Area Features - New Hotspot 3

▼景区特色——新热点4,Scenic Area Features - New Hotspot 4

▼景区特色——新玩法1,Scenic Area Features - New Gameplay 1

▼景区特色——新玩法2,Scenic Area Features - New Gameplay 2

▼景区特色——新视野,Scenic Area Features - New Horizons

04 规划设计 Planning design

▼总体鸟瞰图,Overall bird's-eye view


▼规划结构,Planning structure

▼项目构成,Project composition

▼旅游交通规划,Tourism transportation planning

▼旅游线路规划,Tourism route planning

▼旅游设施规划,Tourism facility planning

▼分片区规划,District planning

▼运动休闲体验片区总平面图,General Plan of Sports and Leisure Experience Area

▼运动休闲体验片区鸟瞰图,Aerial view of the sports and leisure experience area

▼运动休闲体验片区项目概览一,Project overview 1 of Sports and Leisure Experience Area

▼运动休闲体验片区项目概览二,Project overview 2 of Sports and Leisure Experience Area

▼湿地科普种养片区总平面图,General Plan of Wet Land Science Popularization and Breeding Area

▼湿地科普种养片区鸟瞰图,Aerial view of the wet land science popularization and breeding area

▼湿地科普种养片区项目概览一,Project overview 1 of Wet Land Science Popularization and Breeding Area

▼湿地科普种养片区项目概览二,Project overview 2 of Wet Land Science Popularization and Breeding Area

▼湿地养生度假片区一段总平面图,General Plan of Wetland Health Resort Section 1

▼湿地养生度假片区一段鸟瞰图,Aerial view of Wetland Health Resort Section 1

▼湿地养生度假片区一段项目概览,Project overview of Wetland Health Resort Section 1

湿地养生度假片区二段总平面图,General Plan of Wetland Health Resort Section 2

▼湿地养生度假片区二段鸟瞰图,erial view of Wetland Health Resort Section 2

▼湿地养生度假片区二段项目概览,Project overview of Wetland Health Resort Section 2

▼其他景观意向,Other landscape reference









